Whatever our hands touch...we leave FINGERPRINTS!..On doorknobs.walls,furniture, cars,books,dishes and many.many more.There,s no escape.As we touch, our IDENTITY is left BEHIND This Day..Lord!!!Wherever I go and whatever I do,HELP me to leave HEARTPRINTS!!! Heartprints of compassion,of understanding and love.Heartprints of kindness and geniune concern. May my heart touch a lonely neighbour,someone,s suicidal son or daughter or that anxious mother who feels so distraught, not knowing where to go.what to do or even calling who.Perhaps a sick and dying soul,thinking tomorrow is forever nomore.Who shall you send my Lord.Please let it be me. Send me, somewhere Today my Lord,to leave a Heartprint or two. If someone should say, :I Felt Your Touch Today: May they also sense the DEEP LOVE within...My Heart,AS the LOVE YOU Have for ME.


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