
Do you hear when somebody speak,do you LISTEN when somebody speak.Do you hear the persons tone of voice,do you listen to the persons tone of voice.Do you take note of the ones body language and facial expression.Is he trying to convey his feelings,his anger,his concern,his joy,his sorrow,his love.DO YOU CARE.Take a moment and reflect when this happened to you.When you were a BABY,wet,hungry,had cramps,collic,felt alone and abandand.The piercing screams you rendered made somebodies hear raise. They came running took care of you,cuddled you, wiped your tears. Can you see somebody needing the same from you today.TODDLER the senanagens you cought on,the times you climed on the highest object got stuck screamed,like somebody is murdering you.The time you fell scraped your knee, saw some blood and you thought you were dieing screamed.Somebody came running took you in their arms hugged you, kissed you,wiped your nose,washed your knee and bandaided it made you feel whole again.Was there somebody crying out today you ignored.Think and then respond.The way you respond lays with you.You can be the one to uplift the SOUL screaming at the moment.LISTEN>


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