baby Kyle

I went to visit my latest grandchild on Tuesday. on arriving there, his mom was bathing him. I told her I would like to do it. My gosh. It was so amazing to be bathing a little baby after such a long time., and he is very small for his age, and only 2 weeks old. I was amazed that I could still handle him . But then I realized that a mother never looses her touch.

God has made us mothers so special, to give love and nurture them. As a mother, I don't only bath and feed my grandchildren, I always PRAY for them, which is more important that anything else.

Today, newborn babies come out smiling, they sit up straightbacked, and they even smile at you.
Its not like the olden days when moms stayed in bed for 10 days and babies started crawling at 9mnths.

children are an amazing creation of God, who formed us all in our mothers womb.


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