our senior club

Today we had a great day with all our seniors. I did the arts and crafts with them which was very exciting because they all created their item in different ways. Our senior moms and dads, they haven't done anything like this in their whole life, were like little children all over again, creating things.and when they saw how it was taking shape, they got so caught up in the project that they did't even want to take a tea break.

Jemima had a debriefing session with some of the seniors, and each session they did was like a whole new refreshing experience for them. Our moms and dads have lots of things that is taking place in their lives which they don't want to talk about, and these sessions are just one of the ways in which they release some of the tension they are experiencing .

Jemima will be carrying on with these sessions until all the seniors has gone through this programme. I know that what she is doing, is going to change their lives one way or another


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