Seniors outing

It was on Wednesday that we as Impact Direct Ministries took 110 senior citizen on an outing. It was the last Wednesday for our Wellness programme. We hired two comfortable buses that drove us all the way around the coast.
Our first stop was for breakfast at Sea Point, each senior receive a bag with their breakfast. It was a beautiful day nice breeze and the fresh air did our moms and dads good. they had nice fresh juice and a healthy snack. Our next stop was Hout Bay we did some sight seeing and enjoyed the music that was provided by the Cape Coons. We had nice fun when our seniors did a few dancing moves.
The driver then drove to Maiden's Cove for lunch. Everyone was happy we could see the appreciation on their faces.
When we arrive back at the Impact Centre everyone received a gift. Mrs Murtz thanked the staff and volunteer and asked aunty Anne Donough to accomplish her in singing a song.
The staff and volunteers really made our seniors day the were spoiled.


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