Joyfull emotions

This past week has been very exciting and emotional for me. My youngest daughter, Jodi, is finishing her matric year. It is particularly emotional because I had a very difficult time when I was pregnant with her. I had 3 miscarriages before I fell pregnant with her. I had to undergo lots of tests and even during the pregnancy I was monitored closely. As a mother to be, you tend to become anxious about the new addition to the family. But by the grace of God, I carried her full term and I gave birth to her without any complications. At the age of 2, she somehow got hold of Thinners, which we stored for somebody. She drank some and started crying, I guess because of the taste. She was then rushed to hospital where xrays was taken and the doctors told us too mush Thinners went into her lungs and that there was nothing they can do. The doctors also told us that it will just be a matter of time before her heart will stop. With that news I was very sad but realised that I should put my trust in God. We phoned around and started praying and that is when God performed the miracle because he had plans for her life. The next day she was discharged and the doctors could not believe it. Here we are today and I'm so grateful because things could have been so different if God had not intervened.


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