Mom 4.0 ( The beginning of a new era)

It was the fist class for mom 4.0 today and the buzzing noise as the mothers came in was exciting. They were all on time as they knew how tight our schedule was and did not want to miss out on anything.

Some of the moms never even used a computer and was quite surprise how user friendly it was. Seeing the sparkles in their eyes enjoying the class and interacting with one another, one mother made a statement that at home her family don't have patience with her but here she has all the attention. That is what RLabs is all about and i am glad i can give back to the community and see how the women get uplifted. The class was full and we had enough facilitators to help, where that is concerned there is more one on one support. It was my fist time that i facilitate the class and the moms were a great group to have and i felt relaxed not to mention Rene and Monique that was in the class but i knew they were going to be a great help.

There were two moms that volunteer to do a video on how the class helped them and it will be loaded on Rlabs website . They ladies did not feel like leaving when the class was done as it felt so short and they were really getting into there emails.


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