mom's sessions

The mom's sessions have really been excellent, the interaction with the facilitators and the ladies have been lots of fun. Learning new things about different people from different strokes is always interesting. In the weeks gone by I've managed to challenge myself to go that extra mile and it's amazing what you can achieve when you do that. Too many times we take our abilities for granted and we forget that we have been designed for great things. I encourage moms, young ladies and those who have forgotten, YOU CAN DO ANYTHING YOU SET YOU MIND TO !!

In last year I attended a seminar at which there was a young guy who shared that he started a non profit organisation by donating 1 pair of shoes with every shoe that was purchased from his store as he wanted to make a difference in someone's life. At that point in time he had donated thousands of pairs of shoes across the world to people who had never own shoes. This really touched my heart as we often take it what we have for granted. Every year he has a "no shoe" day and on 05 April we had a "no shoe" day at our office. Wearing no shoes at the office was really out of the norm but fun and it just brought back to home that many of us are blessed to have a pair of shoes. This guy is a great example of doing anything that you mind is set to do.


Mands81 said…
Nice one abby!
Rene Parker said…
thanks for sharing this Abby. its really great to have you part of the class and like you quote you added to your blog post.

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