On Top of Table Mountain

Must start by saying God is good. Two weeks ago I was blessed by RLabs with 2 tickets for the cable way at Table Mountain. I was excited because I was only there once, on the old cable car and that was years ago.
Like I always share all my excitements and experiences with my hubby (Mark), he was the obvious person to accompany me. We set out on our journey today, due to the weather being nice. On our way there, near to the turn off to the cable way, our car just died while we were driving, no power, not even hazards. It was like a power failure. (total panic mode)
Standing on the side of the road, I new it could only be Satan not wanting us to enjoy Gods blessings. I started rebuking Satan and believe me when Mark started the car after about 5 minutes, the car just started and we were well on our way again.

I must say the cable car ride up was very quick, but the the experience on top of the mountain was amazing. Spending time with my hubby on top of Table Mountain, overlooking Cape Town was super cool. So I want to thank God and the RLabs for this amazing experience.


Rene Parker said…
Wow that sounds amazing! Glad you enjoyed the trip up the mountain and you could spend it with your hubby. Enjoy your week further 

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