Good day to you all of you bloggers. Trust that you have had a lovely time since last I have blogged to you. I have been too so many funerals this past month that I have been feeling very sad.
I thought of the brevity of life although the funerals I attended were people who have lived long lives.
Going to funerals often make you think of what people will say at yours. and what are you actually contributing towards your community or making a difference in your environments.We do not know when we will be called home so I feel that each day we have to live as if it is our last day and do the best that we can for all the people we can. There are so many hurting and destitute people out there that just need a helping hand and sometimes we have the capacity or the resources to do just that and we never do. I find that on the whole we are so anaesthetised to all the suffering and the immorality round us that we are more concerned about our own little world and making sure that everything is okay there.
I hope that all of us will take the time each day to see if there is anything that we can do to alleviate the pain and suffering in our community and just reach out to people in our daily walk.
I hope that I am not too morbid this morning but the Bible say that the main thing that GOD requires of us is to show mercy and compassion to our fellow being so it doen not mattermhow religious we are or how many times we atten church but if we do not have these attributes then your religion is in vain. I trust that as your read this that you will strive to reach out a helping hand whenever you can and where possible irrespective of who and what you are.


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