positives & negatives (Naz)

This morning we were taught the positive and the negative of using social media. We were also taught what RLABS stands for. Its all about impacting people lives in a positive as well as teaching them how to be creative.

This class has really been a big + in my life. It has changed me as a person, in so many ways.
I'm more focus. I've also started to browse around on the internet all on my own without the help of the facilitators. I've managed to create albums and uploading photos as well as sending hugs to people.

Its all about browsing and following the guideline that's been offer. If one follow the steps u cant go wrong. And even if u do make mistakes,don't give up, just try and try until you get it right.

The other day i download and copy a Cd to another Cd all on my own. I had no idea what i was doing,but manage to get it right by following the easy steps

Great stuff Rlabs
Luvies you guys lots
God bless


It was a great morning learning about the positive and negatives of social media.. what's more it was a good way of teaching discipline.. Yeah! we're never too old to learn. Well done with the CD and thanks for the HUG! Mwah. RLabs you Rock!

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