
So, this is my first time blogging (i.e. being the author, I mean). I've always viewed, read and commented on several other blogs and am very excited to be writing my own. I've always looked forward to doing this - one of my reasons for enrolling in this course.
I'm hoping my experience would be an interesting read.

I am a "new" mother of an 18month old son, named Matthew, and I never imagined my life would change so dramatically, from the moment he was born, I thought of what's best for him, whether he's comfortable and safe, warm when it's cold, cool when it's hot and that he has healthy snacks to eat. Now I know what it means when my mom said you always think of yourself last when you become a mom.
But there is a different view that I'm very conscious of and that is that I need to look after myself first because if I am healthy and balanced my husband and my son will benefit.

Becoming a new mom has taught me the importance of looking after myself, staying healthy and being well balanced in all aspects of my life, ensuring that my children grow into strong and focused future leaders, businessmen and unique individuals.


wendy said…
Hi there this is how we teach ourselves to become multi talented.

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