7 generations of Moms at RLabs

Today in the Mom 8.0 class the ladies were introduced to world of Blogging and they are using Blogger. The room went quiet once the moms started writing their blog posts, which were titled: My Journey at RLabs.

This is the first class for 2015 and the 7th generation of moms. For 7 years we have had women blog on this blog. Please take the time to read the older posts to read what the Mom 2.0, Mom 3.0, Mom 4.0, Mom 5.0, Mom 6.0, Mom 7.0 and Mom 8.0 has written.

Each year we have 2 semesters where we have women write their first blog posts on this very blog.

We are dedicating this class to Lenaise Titus. She was one of the leads for the moms. We were saddened to have her depart this earth on Tuesday, 24 February 2015. It was sudden and a shock to many. Lenaise just facilitated this very class a week ago and today we had to inform the moms that one of their favourite facilitators is not coming back.

Thank you to all the women over the past 7 years that have contributed to this very blog and for allowing all of us to be part of your lives through your blog posts.


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