My experience

My experience at RLABS mom8.0.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                I dont have a favourate class,because all classes was interesting.First class when we were pampered was A SUPER ONE,i have never had my nails done before,this experience made me so emotional that i had to hold back my tears.I felt special and made me feel like a real woman.Weeks following we were introduced gmail,email,which i have my own email adress Hoooeeee thats a plus for me.The facsilitators is amazing,very helpful.We were taught how to do mapping,online shopping and i could go to Milan,where i could see all the amazing dresses,bags and shoes.All with a click of a button,how Amazing is that.Thank you RLABS MOM8.0 for giving me this opputunity,much appreciated.



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