
Most of you don't think of yourselves as Super Heroes, but when you look at what you take on and the pace of our lives, maybe you should. When you're carrying a full load, flying from one thing to another, it's hard to put the load down.
Sometimes, it can even feel impossible. The weight of that load then leads to other things that simply add to the burden...not enough rest, too much coffee, too many fast food meals, too many nights of working an extra hour or two to get ready for the next day.
When and how do we get a much needed break?
Put away the cape with the big red S that you probably embroidered yourself and be very, very still.When you accepted Christ into your life, your aim was to become more like Him and to have more of Him in your day-to-day tasks.
Maybe instead of Super Hero, that big red S should stand for Savior and you should give the cape to the one who really can take care of you. Jesus offered you the chance to give Him your burdens. Remember He said "Come to Me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11.28)

As of today, lay those burdens down and give yourself a chance to be renewed and refreshed in Him. Your real Hero is ready to help you.

Lets Pray: Lord be with me. Help me give up some of the weight that i carry, some of the burdens of my heart and lay them at Your feet. Help me to renew myself in You. In Jesus name. Amen


Unknown said…
That is so true in our everyday busy lives we don't realise.Thank you for this message im truly inspired
rae goedeman said…
Whow! shameez so very.very true.if our saviour is first and last in our lives no reason to carry any loads.thnx rae
You are Superwoman to your kids...

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