
Showing posts from February, 2011

Mom 4.0 ( The beginning of a new era)

It was the fist class for mom 4.0 today and the buzzing noise as the mothers came in was exciting. They were all on time as they knew how tight our schedule was and did not want to miss out on anything. Some of the moms never even used a computer and was quite surprise how user friendly it was. Seeing the sparkles in their eyes enjoying the class and interacting with one another, one mother made a statement that at home her family don't have patience with her but here she has all the attention. That is what RLabs is all about and i am glad i can give back to the community and see how the women get uplifted. The class was full and we had enough facilitators to help, where that is concerned there is more one on one support. It was my fist time that i facilitate the class and the moms were a great group to have and i felt relaxed not to mention Rene and Monique that was in the class but i knew they were going to be a great help. There were two moms that volunteer to do a video

Just being a MOM

This might sound silly...My daughter Jodi was accepted at university and with all the excitement we did not realize that she never traveled by bus on her own before even though she traveled by taxi all through high school. With her having to attend the orientation, I decided to drive with her in the bus to and from. I showed her where to get off in the morning, came home and fetched her the afternoon. That only happened on the first day. The second day of orientation, we took the bus together and I allowed her with instruction to travel home on her own. I must say, I was proud of her but mostly relieved. While doing this, it felt like taking my child to school for the first day. It was tiring but necessary . No matter how old my children may be, I will always be their mother and I will always do what is expected of me, after all God has made me responsible for them.

Tap into God

Where is time running to? Big question these days. We have to put on our running shoes and run along because time is not going to wait for us. These days one has to keep up with what is happening around us, we must educate ourselves, but one must at the same time be aware of satan lurking and wanting us to run after the wrong things. That is why we have to be mindful of Jesus so we can be directed in the right direction. My year has thus far has been very busy but fruitful. Things are just working out and not even the way I expected, even better. I have learnt to allow God to do what seems impossible to me. I'm done moaning about things beyond my control because it will only make you loose sight of where you actually heading to. I believe God has a plan for all of our lives, we just need to tap into his plans and abandon ourselves to what he has planned for us. Things can only get better from here on. May we all have a fruitful and exciting year. God bless!