
Showing posts from January, 2009


This feeling of helplessness though not hopeless,feels weird though not frightning.So many descriptive adjectives but none can truely diagnose what this is? How long is this gestation period?The nine months of the human gestation is long overdue.So what am I giving birth too? So unexplainable!!!Lord are you guiding me in this? Yes it is overwhelming, yet THIS rippling effect of sensations , surges up and up from the very core of my being,but Im not succumed by THIS, rather leaves me thereafter with so much peace and invigoration. Spirit of God let Your Glory ComE!!Let your Glory come Father!!! Its too intense to continue.Let me experience His Presence again!!Birthing is due....Now.NOW!!I Love You Jesus!!! THANK YOU FATHER!!THANK JESUS!! THANK YOU HOLY SPIRIT!!

My very own angel

Who? knocks at 8am on my door?Dont feel like opening... Firstly... its still holidaY!!for me anyway.SECONDLY.... Im having a workout with my Father.Caller hammering persistently...Ok!!...Ok!On opening???immediate fear,sort of paralyses overcomes me.The callers are flashing great smiles.Dressed very eastern ie the two men with very high fez and the lady??? covered from head to toe with only the eyes and teeth exposed.Do I welcome them in??? No!!NO!!.The purpose of their visit is that they wish to converse with my husband???? deceased ten years ago....Do I tell them? yourself, Rae, are my thoughts.I havnt uttered a word yet,just trying to retaliate by outstareing them.Which I obserVed from the visitors.,,Is it possible we put up barber in driveway? or no empty room?,, fluent english.At this point the ladies bag falls open on the stoep,bundles of R2oo notes falls out.Could also just be the top and bottom thats a R2oo note.I dint batter an eyelid but did think,I can do


The start of a completely new year seem to grip many with fear,anxiety or intense pleasure. How much do we value our life? Yes! some has been diagnosed with a terminal illness,a new mom to be on, the brink of adding an extension to her solo life , a six year old preparing for a first schoolday or a young adult entering the workforce.All these phases in life are accompanied with either fear,pain or pleasure.Thus bringing this thought to mind. Is the transition from life to death the same and vice versa? At birth when that baby gasp its first doze of oxygen or the last gasp of the dying man,does these run parallel to each other?Something that I in my nursing days observed ,quite oblivious to my fellow students,was that at a specific point of birth or death the facial expressions were exactly the same... ..Contendment. WHO IS THE AUTHOR AND FINISHER OF LIFE?....JESUS


What 9 represents? I dont know,nor wish to,for Im not psychic.This year, 2oo9 has transcended such a strong feeling of excitement within me,which I cant analyse,why should I?.. Anyway.this emotion has been creeping up since mid 2oo8,despite all the controvecies that came my way.leaving me more elated after prayer or sunday services.At one stage, the thought !!! You reaching your lastdays Rae! ...death!..came to mind.which I thru prayer,eradicated stat.Thereafter the same feeling of love,serenity and elasion would permeate my whole being.Therefor within my heart I know, the Mystery of GODS GLORY is busy unfolding....Hallelujah


The year 2008 has ended,with a bang? no,with gratification?Eer! yes,with a new me? no,Yes!!!.Yes! Yes!...I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me..Thats the new me.Im totally thrilled that Ive gained somuch new pasttimes,valuable though, at my age.No more reading whatever my eyes lust for.EXCUSE ME,ITS NOW, Facebook updates,emails,shot at blogging,NEW TRUE FRIENDS and so much more.Yes 2oo8 has prep me for 2009 and thereafter.NEW ME!! Thank You Father!!

Looking back to 2008

When i look back to 2008 the only word that comes to mind is WOW . 2008 has truly been an awesome year for me. It had its ups and downs but i can just give God the honour and the glory for carrying me through. A few highlights of my year: For 6 years i was a debt collector harassing people for money but in May i started a new job doing admin support for debt counsellors so i can now help people who is over indebted and i just love it to bits. In August i started my own company outsourcing my admin skills to other debt counsellors. In September i went on some more admin training and in November i completed the debt counsellors course. By December i graduated at CPUT in Social Media for Social Change. And this was just a very few of the highlights of 2008. So if God had all this planned for 2008 just imagine how excited i am to see what God has in store for 2009. God Bless and have a blessed 2009 .