This endless road, today feels more gruelling than before not so much of a kneeless leg thats aching at it best because of an operation,five years ago,that was suppose to alleviate all agony and pain.but poverty and despair on peoples faces that were inneed of love and repair. This new day has barely passed, the eleventh hour and already signs of hopelessness could be found .A mom, dressed in but a gown, sits sleeping at her gate, oblivious of what the Saviour could bring.As I slowly approach,I purposely greet,wishing her blessings of God,s faithfullness and love.The immediate glow that touched her face,meant hope has been restored ,within that greet. I stopped and listened to hear her cry of hungerness, fatigue and how long its been, since last a meal has touched her lips, as all hope was gone. Remembering my prayer of a few hours before... ,asking God, to put those in need,this day ,at my feet.All that I, this day could give was the love of Jesus and trust in Him.Promising her a better day, I slowly went on my way.Glancing round at other houses, looks of despair seemed everwhere.Fathers and son,s, still of workable age, gathering around at nothingness it seemed. The midday gun salute, still has to be heard but people already looked so lost and forlorn.No one seemed dressed to embrace this day,too lost in thought,of how to keep starvation at bay.Here and there, I hear a ...morning ma... which brings a smile to my face,knowing that dignity can still be found. Walking along, I call on my Father to open HIS floodgates and pour out His blessings as the need of these people are too hurtful to bare.This road that earlier seemed long, on setting out ,was blessed with HIS presence and abundance of love.Gone was the pain on entering IMPACT CENTRE, knowing that solace was here to be found.


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