our mom class

i am so xcited about what we have accomplished in our sessions.that our guys are so patient with us . i want to invite any mom out there who would like to join us every second friday.to all the single parents out there i would like to encourage you to keep the faith bring your children up to be God fearing,teach them to be upright.spare the rod and spoil the child.to all the dads out there be the best dad you can be.be there for your sons especially ,and your daughters need you to be their roll models.they will in turn want to marry someone like you .if you lived by good example your daughter would want to marry someone like you.to the dads who are absent from their daughters lives please find time to spend with your daughters,some of them may never be succesfull in their relationships with males because they will always look for a father figure in some of the men they meet.so fathers please take up your place in your daughters lives.


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