
When you are young and you receive fowers from your boyfriend, its like, wow, he must really love me. Then you get married, In the first couple of months you get your regular flowers, as the years go on, 10, 15, 20, 30+, you get flowers once in a while, but you know what, we must be greatful, because we still get , whereas some women have never received any in all their life.

Whatever we do in life, there is always someone looking at the things we do in life. I was so surprised when my granddaughter Kaylin gave me a bunch of flowers, and her words were, I love you very much ma, you are the best THING that has ever happened to me, Pa did not give you flowers this month so I decided to bless you. So sweet! I'm the best THING!!! said so innocently. For anyone, do things that u family can learn from


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