school holidays

Hallelujah!!!! holidays are finish and school is starting tomorrow, Monday!! I had ALL the grand kids with me for the holidays, and was it a task! I had to keep them occupied all day to stop them from getting BORED! Yet, I think they totally enjoyed themselves because after sorting themselves out in the morning and helping me tidy the house, we got down to the business of doing arts and crafts. they made: framed cards, papermache' bowls, jewellery boxes, pasting, and lots of others things. What I enjoyed most about their handwork was how creative they were. each one did her own design, which was so unique. On Wednesday I took them to the Baxter Theatre which they enjoyed tremendously. After that they brought all their cousins back home with us and then the crafts continued until late in the afternoon.

I want to encourage all moms and grandma's and anybody who has children in their care, don't let them just sit and watch tv all day, take them outside, let them experience nature, let them get creative, mess in mud, they love to mess in water, let them get dirty, Let them be kids, and have their own experiences, but also keeping an eye on them. Love them to bits!!!!!


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