Menopause and breast self-examination

Today was a very busy day for all the mom's at the Impact Centre. We mom's had a session with Dr Kate Walton. The talk was on menopause and breast self examination. With menopause, you can get heart palputations, tender breast, vaginal dryness, bodily pain heavy sweating, sleeplessness, dry hair, hair falling out, weight gain. There are many more that one can link to menopause.

It affects mostly women of age 40 - 50 years of age. We need to see a Dr so that they can check to see if you need to go on any hormone medication.

For the self breast examination, we as women need to examen ourselves at least once a month to check for any lumps. We also need to find out how often we need to go for mammograms. That is very important. I believe we need to have it done at least once a year.


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