Giving Thanks

All the knowledge gained throughout this year, can not be compared to my leap of faith in october 2oo8,empowering my community through technology,No tuition fees to offer, as unemployed, community housewives we were.Taking this offer.with not a clue of how this challenge will develope for dry and dormant students of the 60s and 70s we were, wanting to be taught again after almost forty years it seemed. Only the honour of being allowed to learn this technology of which we have never heard.This acceptance of it, placed me way above my wildest dreams and challenges. Our very own internet cafe.being named, whereas, would have been more applicable. We were so doff at the start,too afraid to touch that mouse,thinking it may just come alive.Technology became such a challenge to us moms,knowing the youth outsmarted us by far. Thursdays the landlines and cellphones came alive, with car lifts being offered and scheming tactics to husbands and children, even keeping one in prayer, for we merely felt we had to be there... Friday at 1pm...our very own internet cafe session, were dumb,fingers were numb but on we plodded even persevering and laughing at our ignorance and incompetance. The Spiritled tutor,with patience beyond ,sometimes made me wonder if he harboured any regrets.An IT. lecturer,Marlon Parker, of world acclaim,ensuring, us dry bones, a ray of hope again.Each lesson was conducted with so much love and simplicity, enabling each mom to make a comeback again.The emails were great to learn, for personally it brought daughter, nearer to home with a cheaper but instant reply to her emails. While Facebook gave us international status, it at first brought along some gasps of astonishment from younger family members, enquiring about an old person,s interest therein.some even giggled.Today friends in foreign countries unknown, are frequently visited right from within my home. When questions arose about projects and countries,who did they turn to? but these moms of old. Our knowledge of Googling meant quicker research and ma being praised as she quickly surfed and found the answers online. The sideline chats, which at first we didnt know brought so much pleasure while concentrating on the lesson of the day, even the gmail chats through mxit we learnt. Wikipedia too became of so much help for nolonger searching for that lost dictionary, never to be found.Climates,population,productions, of foreign country,s made us more knowledgeable instead.Copy and Paste truely amazed me too. At times the food burnt or a faulty kettle boiled dry,with remarks that omega 3 was needed for forgetfullness but ma kept going for her addictions to Technology.... gave her such highs . Along came more, IT gurus,Thereconstructed team,who with no shame or pride, opened social media,s heavens more.Despite a seven digit password for twitter,that had promiscious status I was told, Twitter I have you now,hope to change the password. I doubted at first,through not knowing how it worked but enjoy it now.They,the Recon team, inspired us so much, for their versatality in social media nowhere found.Remembering who was captaining all this,his knowledge being passed on to young and old. We had fun when Flickr and Videos was introduced.I, thought an entepreneurship could be started by us moms, filling a kitty by creating silly home movies or videoing a kiddies graduation for some money in return give back to our community and start all over again with new moms wanting to experience technology the way we did. Last but not least,Craig Ross, you did I...for only two weeks into the program..when I enquired a year ago about Skype and webcams,but now I know you saved the best for last and Im bursting with pride on being connected to that long awaited.. Skype.So someday I may see right into your home,daughter of mine,for this moms ecstatic that she endured every minute our gurus offered their expertise to moms like us. Thankfull and gratefull,yet no words can really explain but our love and appreciation to Marlon,Brent Clinton,Craig,Clive,Mikey and Rene,yes not forgetting you as you were the woman behind these men that kept afloat.Impact Direct Ministry, may we never fail you as this was a God inspired project. Thank You God.


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