Every day I stand in awe of the wonders of the Great God we serve and the endless love He has for us. A tidal wave of changes are flowing through our communities of which many are not even aware of.What amazes me most is that those who do not serve the Master are the ones who are stunned by these changes.

The recent event which had us all talking was last week when Graham Mitchell aged 25, a young man of very unsavoury character, returned home.He was known in the road as corrupting the young and innocent.Drug dealing during day time was nothing to ashame him, as he feared no authority.

During December 2009 he was seeking help for his actions and habits as he was a threat to certain religious leaders who threatened to take his life. He joined a religious group and since then, has made a 360 degree turn around in his life. He was Saved by
the blood of Jesus Christ.Halleluyah!!!! It is a pleasure to have him in the community now.Moms are approaching Graham now for advice regarding their children.

God is still the same yesterday,today and forever.


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