Never to old for something new

I'm a 42 year old mother of two and I'm very excited to be part of the technology program called mom 3.o.I am inspired by what God has done in the lives of our young people and that they are able to pass on the knowledge to moms in our community young and old. Social media for social change is what I want to be part of. I can now do social media with my teenagers which I think is very cool. I'm looking forward to inspiring people all over the world and also want to be inspired by others. I am a born again christian who on a daily basis want to be inline with who God wants me to be. I know I'm going to like this.


Anonymous said…
You are never too old for anything. Glad you were brave enough to join the group. Well done. And happy mothers day for tomorrow.
Anonymous said…
You are never too old for anything. Glad you were brave enough to join the group. Well done. And happy mothers day for tomorrow.

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