fathers of the universe

good morning to all the fathers in the world ,you are supposed to be the protectors , leaders,examples,strong beings,heroes,lovers,brothers,providers and so much more in this world of ours yet we really sometimes question the mere thought of you being our men i know that it is very hard for all of you as from the time God created man you were the first so why is it that you are so weak in the world that you were created into?my humble thoughts are with you men as i realize that you are also just human beings and that allot is expected from you and it is not a easy task of being the men of this world so to all grandfathers , fathers,brothers,uncles in the world i salute you.as i belive that God has created each one of us in His image and God started a work in all all of us an Thus He will finish and not stop until Hes work is completed.


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