What happened in my life"s journey in last 2 weeks

so much excitement, and challenges, took place in my life. I attended a" Heritage braai " day
on 24th Sept. which was also my daughter"s 5th wedding anniversary, I realised how much
I can contribute to life when the challenge arise, my main experience in this time was a choice
I had to make between feeling sorry for myself in the time I was in a low "space"or thinking that there might be someone who may be going through worst than me, Im glad that I decided on the
latter as my spirit was uplifted when just a smile from me to someone else could brighten both
our day. Thank you Father for allowing me to attend that "braai".


Mel-Butterfly said…
Wow awesome. who would think that Pastor Jenny would be at low space. I just want to say thank you for not allowing your low space to affect you from thinking that someone else might be going thru some thing worse than you. Sometimes I don't think like that but thank you that you can encourage me to think like you next time. God bless you and thank you Pastor Jenny for your love. I love you.

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