"What's up your sleeve"

WOW, what is session we had this morning with RLabs. Marlon Parker came in this morning and just shared with us about the things we have learned. He opened it up more to us as to how we can use what we have in our hands and also not to just let it stop at class but to utilise it with every moment we have.

I am definitely going to starting blogging more often. As Marlon said we all have something are passionate about so why not blog about it. There are so many things that I never thought of blogging about but after today I was be blogging away.

Thank you Marlon for taking the time out just to share with us and make us realise that we have so much in our HANDS.


Anonymous said…
Glad you are motivated and ready to take on the world!! You are brilliant and just what other women need out there.
Mel-Butterfly said…
Thank you so much madamgeek. you are always encouraging me and i so appreciate it. Greater things are yet to come. chat to you soon

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