About my week past.

About last week the second day of April. Unfortunately i missed my mom 4.0 class, not so impressed with myself although the session taught the class on how to go onto face book of which i am 1 point ahead, i have to travel from Atlantis to Bridgetown for my class every Saturday and do depend on my own transport and have to start off early enough to be in time for my class. Last week i had some car trouble and could not make it :o(. I do appreciate the way we are being assisted by the group by them imparting within us that which has been taught to them and the interest they sow as they sow back into the community, definitely not left unseen by God. Well i do enjoy my life as a christian with the ups and downs life serves us, yet in all things God works for the best for those who love Him.


Rene Parker said…
so glad you could join us this week. and we appreciate the fact that you have to travel so far every week. you are a guru on facebook already, so it was easy for you catch up.

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