The Real Passover sacrifice

At this time, just over two thousand years ago, being the second hour after twelve noon, Jesus' lifeless body hangs on a cross in the center of the world on a hill called Golgotha. Now the only people still hanging around the execution scene was his family and close friends who was still grieved and struck by the thought of how this could happen to such a good man. That moment they looked at the same lifeless body now hanging dead on the cross and to think at the morning of that same day, he was sentenced to death. He was then whipped, tortured, beaten, spat upon and forced to carry a heavy cross through the cit y streets to the hill of Golgotha, where he will be nailed on the cross, through his hands and feet to die on. At twelve noon that day, just before he breath out his last breath, he shouted "It is finished", making announcement to heaven and earth that the sacrifice for sin to be judged has been paid for by his suffering and death on a cross. Now two thousand years later, the announcement still rings through time and history that Jesus is the Saviour of the world. Those accepts his death on the cross and receive him as Lord and saviour, will be freed from sin and saved from God's judgement. This Passover, let the blood of Jesus cover you and let God's judgement pass you by. Thank you Jesus for freeing us through your death.


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