geeky mom

Hi there all you bloggers. I have been out of circulation for a few weeks I am glad to be able to be back in cyber space again. I am back at rlabs today starting a new course. This is the only method of communication that I have with you all. I trust that you all have had a good week past if not then you have the next week to change and be happy and positive in spite of whatever difficulties you may face this week. I have had a very busy week as we started our breakfast run this week in Kew town. We have a had two week break and started on Monday with giving 85 children breakfast before school. We are at the Calvinist Church in Kew Town every morning at 7 o clock . We also have Literacy classes with them on a Tuesday and Thursday afternoon. This is really my passion and feel very blessed to be doing something for our community even though the children as you can well imagine is very very active. "En ek is nou nie meer vandag se kind nie" We had a team from Nike assisting us on Monday doing there 67 minutes voluntary work. So it was quite exciting having them there. They gave our Organisation which is called New Dawn four soccer balls. I have two volunteere staying with me for three months one is a Canadian named Josh and one from Guguletu named Jim doing voluntary work in the Athlone area. So presently I have 7 men in my house and me the only rose. So I have now joined the ranks of being a geeky mom at Rlabs. So I am learning quite a few more skills so you can still teacch an old dog new tricks. Have a great week and know that there is nothing that you and GOD cannot do GOD bless


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