God's Faithfullness

I've been going through my diary that I've kept since the time I got saved.Its amazing where I was then spiritually,and where I am now!

God' is faithful and He can be trusted,because the bible says that God is not man that He should lie. He is true to he's word.

As I read through my notes,It reminded me of all the prayers God has answered. So much has changed since 2005. I'm not making the same mistakes I did then. In the same breathe, as God changed me,my husband as well as my children changed. Yes there was a lot of heartache and pain, so much confusing especially with the girls. They could not understand WHY????.

The amazing thing is, everything that we went through as a family, we grew stronger and closer, and we remained together and we're still together. The enemy has tried to bring separation, however with God on our side nothing could go wrong. I stood upon the word of God.

Today I can truly say, all that we are as a FAMILY and where we're at ,is all because of what God has done. We could not have made it thus far, if it wasn't for the Holy Spirit, that is the best teacher.

So........I will continue to keep a diary of my daily experiences, because one can always go back and read it and see how God has answered our prayers,and know that he remains faithful, no matter how long we have to wait on Him- to answer our prayers. Ps: My mom prayed 20yrs for my dad's salvation, and 3months before he pass- on, he gave he's heart to the Lord. Praise God

I want to encourage everyone who is reading my blog to start journal ling.



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