Oppertunities within my communities

For years it was a dream of me to further my education.Every time i looked at doing it,I looked at all the well known institutions,but the cost was like a Table Mountain:huge,fearfull(by the way i've got a massive fear of height)So i kept on dreaming for twenty odd years,but never really did anything about it.

I believe that my GOD has a huge sense of humour.I also believe that for years he's
been trying to guide me,show me in the right direction,but yaah me,will first do my own thing before i listen with an open mind to any suggestions,or thoughts that pop up in my mind.So i had to learn the hard way.Round about a year ago all hell broke loose:i lost my job(under educated),found a job but was underemployed, underpaid, etc.To cut a long story short, i was forced to look within my community to fullfill my dream.

So here i am a year later: in a computer class, got a matric certificate- everything was done in my community, and the beauty of it all, that whatever i want to study further,it's all happening in my community, at a fraction of the cost of the "well known places".So the lesson i've learn is to always first look at my home before i look somewhere else.My community has a lot to offer,i just need to look for it .


colleen bussack said…
well done,God knows the way He holds the key to our lives,what looks like all hell breaking loose is actually god pushing us in the direction we need to go
colleen bussack said…
well done,God knows the way He holds the key to our lives,what looks like all hell breaking loose is actually god pushing us in the direction we need to go
wendy said…
Everything happens with prayer and wisdom ,faith moves the hand of God

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