I am very thankful that God chose me to be a wife and mom. I enjoy both very much.It is hard work and I'm sure all those who are wives and moms will agree with me.

I know we all had our fair share of disappointments and struggles with both, however I know we're never alone because we have God on our side. He allows the right people to stand by us and support us when we need to talk and share our feelings.

We really need to take courage from all the elderly, like our moms and those who are still standing strong and firm in marriage. They went through hardship with their husbands as well as their children. Some of them were abused by their husbands physically, verbally, emotionally etc.... but yet they remain faithful. Some had to face abused from their children, manipulation, controlling and domineering but yet they never gave up, because they knew the real meaning of what marriage is all about as well as what it takes to be a mother.And yes they were abused, but that was only because they were emulating their mothers . They thought that it was how things were supposed to be. They didn't have the proper resources in place to support them, or better yet it was available, but because of the oppression they got from the Apartheid regime it didn't make it any easy for them. They took every bit/ inch of strength to be all that they could be and do for the sake of their family.

Today we have all the resources available to help us. We can go to any organization but the best resource is Jesus Christ who is our Lord and Savior. I trust God to be in every decision in my marriage and children' s life.
So whatever we go through in marriage and with our children , don't give up.
Enjoy being a wife and mom.
I do........
I want the same for every wife and mom....... as well as every husband and dad.........

Check out the picture of my beautiful mamma.

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