Important moments

i just got back from the movies with my eldest daughter who is turning 19teen in 2months time. We had a great time together.

I just want to emphasize on the importance to spend time individually with our children. I have 3girls ages 12,17 and 19. Each one with their own personality. Sometimes its difficult for me, because its three phases that I have to deal with daily. I have the youngest one who is in puberty stage, the middle one who is teenage stage, and then there's the young adult who is slowly but surely making her own decisions/choices in life.

At first it was very hard for me when the two was in their teenage stage, I had no idea how to handle it. As you all know, our parents were never really that open with us when we were young. They never discussed anything with us. We had to find out things for ourselves. I told myself that I won't make that mistake with my girls. As parents we decided to leave the door open for any discussion, whether it be sex, boys, friendship, managing their monies,just about anything or everything. They do sometimes try to keep things from us, but because of the relationship between us , its hard for them to keep things hidden.

The youngest one is very privileged to have too older sisters that will always have her best interest at heart. Sometimes they would be like little moms to her. How sweet is that.

I wonder how it would've been if we had a son???. I guess I can but just wonder.

I do try to go on mom and daughter dates when there is time, but would love to do it more often as possible.

Thanks for taking time reading my blogg.



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