My Walk around Bridgetown

On Saturday 27th August 2011 due to a power failure at RLabs Academy, the Facilitators decided to take us, the Geeky Moms, on a walk through Bridgetown.  From Tarentaal Road we turned into Valk Road.   We walked passed a big School and was informed by one of our Colleagues, who is a resident of Bridgetown, that the School is called Bridgeville Primary School.   She advised us that her daughter attended the School and that it was a very good School.   She said the children were also taught Computer Lessons.
We continued our walk along Valk Road until we reached Cornflower Road.  At the corner of Valk and Cornflower Roads, we came across a Petrol Filling Station.   There are workshops at the petrol station.   We spoke to a Mr. Grant February, the owner of  Nadeen's Spray Painters, specialising in Vehicle Spray Painting, i.e. Vandal Scratches, Minor Dents, Stone Chipped Paint, Scuffed, and Colour Coded Fading Paints and Colour Matching.   Grant can be contacted at 0836721328 / 0732474080.  He advised that he has been in business for five years.  He said in the beginning the business was flourishing but since the recession things have slowed down.  He is however positive that things will improve.


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