Why does life seem so unfair?,some people ask.I realise that we live in a real world ,where real things happen to real people.
Poverty is real,crime is real,ill health is real and so is death.Three weeks ago a close friend of mine's son passed away.

Chad was a 26 year old young man who went with a few friends to celebrate their becoming permanent at Woolworths.Later in the day one of the friends went for a swim and got into difficulty.Chad went in to help her.unfortunately Chad drowned.Oh the devastation we felt.And the pain seemed to be physical.There was a awful taste in my mouth.Mixed emotions followed.I was numb for a while.I then realised that I have to pull myself together.My thoughts shifted to my friend Fiona and her family.

I realised we have to be strong for the family.On our arrival at the Langenhoven home,we were greeted with sadness to the maximum(the only way to describe it).What to say and what to do?What do we do with this emotions?Immediately the word of God hit me,mourn with those who mourn.We showed the family how this has affected us,showed them how vulnerable and weak we were.We cried with them as they cried.

Now three weeks has passed.We mourned with the family,supported the family.We see that the grieving process is starting with the family.We choose to be there with this family through this difficult time.

I have also learnt that it is'nt what you say to people who mourn but just you being there.words you spoke will be forgotten but people will remember that you were there.

I trust that if you are going through a difficult time that this will help you.


jackiembiggs said…
Very encouraging Gail. God bless you.
Ricky Johnson said…
Really blessed.keep it up
Well said and well received. Yes all we need to do is to be there when other really need us...just to be around...bless you sister Gail!!!
Just knowing that people are there for you, a quick call or pop-in or sms to say hello is just what we need in times of sadness - bless those who care.

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