
On Saturday ,November5,2011 was a day of excitement and nerves when Craig Ross and Carla Ferreira did the iRanD4Hope campaign where they had to run from the  foot of Table Mountain to RLabs in Bridgetown, (Athlone). Craig  and Carla started running  at 9:30 am. Their journey took them along the route of  Kloof Street then Buitengracht and Strand Street, on the corner of Strand and Buitengracht at Mike’s Sport they took a ten minute break then proceeded towards Bridgetown.
The pressure was on for Craig as he got to Sir Lowry Road heading towards Woodstock at this point he said he felt like giving up. His body was giving him negative signals. Craig an inexperience runner who never had formal training prior to the campaign said he only had trained for  four days before the Saturday of this race. His only means of training has always been soccer training and that is what made this race possible.
In his heart he knew the time to give up has not yet come ,
The team assisting the runners
because this was for a good course. as he was one of the people who had to come up with some sort of strategy to get funding for a graduation  towards  a community program that is running at the RLabs in Bridgetown. the event was well organised with people creating a buzz via social media and escorting him as he Rand 4 Hope. Craig made it home in 2 hours and fifteen minutes running a 25km race and he did not even look tired when he arrived at the destination at Rlabs. Well done Craig !!!!!!!!
Craig and Carla
Ready for action
escorting the runners
Moment of truth
No easy task
A long way from home
A course with a challenge
Yet to be completed
mission completed
Every body welcoming the runners


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