One of our oldest moms at Rlabs

Lilian Patricia George a seventy five year old mom and grand mother  is one of the oldest women attending the Rlabs
Our 75 year old mom and grand mother
academy. She learned about the academy via Monique and Rene who gave a motivational speech at their club called (University of the third age). Lilian says her interest was to know more about Skype, because  her daughter is living in Canada and had been encouraging her to get herself a laptop  so that they could communicate via Skype.
She said their group gets together once a month and did not know much about technology, this is when Rene and Monique was asked to come and teach the group a bit about social media. Rene shared about RLabs and their role in the community. Monique shared her testimony and they did a live demo with the group about various social media tools.
Lilian said their group then decided to join Rlabs on a Saturday morning to gain more  knowledge on modern
Lilian in class
technology. They are a group of senior folks aged from about 40 years and older.Lilian’s interests was to learn more about Skype, but instead she got more than what she bargained for. Lillian has learned about face book, twitter, blogger, wordpress, flickr,skype,youtube
Lilian says she reads through everybody’s blog posts and end up in bed at 11:30 in the evening. She was one of a few ladies who staid dedicated through out the year coming to classes here at Rlabs.
Lilian also finds the time to come for extra lessons on a Wednesday from1pm-3pm to improve in the areas she is struggling. When I look at Mrs Lilian Patricia George I’m inspired to think a woman her age can cope with learning about  modern technology, she says age is not a barrier for her and her family says she is an inspiration to them.
Lilian at Rlabs academy
Rene played a role in getting Lilian to learn more at the age 75
Monique also helped with giving her testimony.
Lilian when she got married in February 1961


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