The second last class

On Saturday the geeky moms shared their feelings of  what they have accomplished this year, Melanie one of the geeks shared about her three year old son who was born with  cerebalpalsy,   this was very difficult for her to come to terms with and she was in a depressive  state ever she could remember. Melanie said Rlabs was the place where she found healing and could have some alone time.
Each of the  geeks got a turn to share  their thoughts and feelings they were  full of gratitude and thanks giving towards the Rlabs team for empowering and enriching their lives with wisdom and friendship, The geeks was the moms who attended the 4.0 classes earlier this year, they will be leaving with two certificates one for mos4.0 classes and another for the advance class. The geeky moms are  very excited for the graduation and cannot wait to dress up. Next year some of the geeks will become facilitators and help with the new moms coming to these classes.

The second last week for the geeks at Rlabs


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