The unfailling love of Jesus

As I was on my way to my work place on December 7 i got there and wanted to start my daily work but i couldnt. Something inside of me was not right and i immediatly new what that was. That was God speaking to my soul telling me that i should came back to Him. I was from the begining of November up till now busy with outings and parties as you know a person can easily get carried away in a time such as the feastive season. As you now that christian people are labeled as only serving God for 10 months and the other two months goes to the world. You now the word of the Lord tells me what good it is for a man to gain the whole world but his soul suffers and my soul did suffer. That morning i had to run to the tiolet because that was the only privacy that i could have to speak to God and there and then without delay i asked God for forgiveness. I just want to say to people to be aware of the feastive season because there is so many things that will keep a people busy and that is also a plan and a tactick of the devil. So whatever you do dont forget about God. The word of the Lord also teachers us that the good that he started within us He is able to complete it so stay focus and remember the reson for the season it is Jesus Christ. God Bless From Martha Damon


This is so true Martha. We constantly have to be aware that we should remain in Christ. We are in this world but not of this world!

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