My life

I am a female with two children and grandchildren who i s really adorable. The one is studying to become an IT bomber as it was his dream from the beginning but I hope that he will one day if his studies is complete, that he will find a job as in this new generation that we in, work is hard to find. I am the parent who reared them, feed them and clothed them from birth and today I am a proud parent and single, divorced parent that can be glad that GOD was with me all the years and who seen me through difficult times. If I start writing, I never get to the end but life I found out is a two way and not depends on one person to make decisions and that is where things get complicated if your partner thinks that the world only is what he say is correct and your opinion doesn't count. Also if a woman get abused, why be in such a relationship as you don't deserve being treated like that, because you do have a choice if being abused it's either as it says abuse.being used or be used and abused or be a punching bag for life.  You do have a choice, be smart.


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