Me, my daughter and gratitude

The past couple of weeks have been so hectic. Applying at the different high schools is frustrating and exhausting, but I don't want to complain because my daughter really deserve the best. She has never given me any trouble with her school work. She is a positive, energetic child with big dreams. Last night while she was drying my hair she said something that I didn't take note of. She said "Mommy, I must congratulate you. You haven't lost your cool for two weeks now". I don't know if I should feel good or bad about it. It's amazing how what seems small to us is actually something big to our loved ones. I didn't notice that I'm so much calmer and the effect it has on my family. It's true what they say that a mother is the heart of the home and that our emotions does affect the energies/vibrations in our homes. The past two weeks I wake up in the morning and go to sleep at night counting all my blessings. I have released alot of negative feelings that have been weighing me down and I feel lighter. It even affected my weight. I LOST 2KGS OF BABY FAT. Gratitude is amazing.


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