
Mr G, a male now age 60 born and raised in Bridgetown, schooled in Welcome Estate, the closest school to home at the time, when he finished grade seven, he had always dreamt of attending a high school '' Windsor high'', this school he had seen in his travels with his mother when she went to work as a char in Bergvliet, he liked the look of the school and for where it was situated, which was in Lansdowne as he felt then that at the white schools the students were getting better and more informed education.  The time came for him to make application into high school, he then went to Windsor High School in Lansdowne to make his application, on entry into the reception area the lady at reception asked him what he wanted,  he then said that he is here to make application into the school for the coming years to make his matric, she then called the principal, when the principal arrived, he just gave Mr G a strange look over and ashed Mr G what he wanted and said that the school had no work vacancies, Mr G then explained to the principal that he wants to make application to school at Windsor High, the principal then said to Mr G that he was on the wrong side of the railway line as the schools for coloured people were on the other side of the railway line and so he sent Mr G on his way, Mr G's dream was for a better and more informed education that will stand him good to study draughtsmanship later in life, as when and if finance would allow. with the turn down at Windsor High he went to Sinton High to make application , there he was accepted immediately and completed his matric at Sinton, after matric, due to financial and opportunity constraints he could not pursue his dream for draughtmanship, he then got a job through a friend of his mother, doing odd jobs at a fabric factory, a year or so later, the boss   of the factory came to realize in their chatting that MR G's dram as to be a draughtsman and it so happened that the bosses husband was working for the City at the as a town planner, they then arranged an appointment at the City for Mr G, and 3 months later he was offered a job at the City as a delivery boy in the planning /drawing department, there he had to deliver and collect various plans for the day, this job made him more determined to achieve his dream, if only he was given the chance or opportunity, a year later his boss at the City office asked Mr G if he could please help with some of the drawing workload as they had a deadline to meet and did not have enough staff to meet the deadline date,Mr G the agreed with pleasure to assist was put in front of the drawing board with an assignment, Mr G was able to meet and delivery date on time with quality work, then the boss realized that Mr G's potential and was impressed by his work, he then was offered help and financial support so he can attend university to reach his dream .


Rene Parker said…
what a great story and encouraging.

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