We have a stray dog in our road .He is a male .I suspect he ran away from his home during Guy Fawks last November .He has attatched himself to a particular house in the street .Unfortunately the owners of this house dislikes dogs .However, the dog loves and follows the tenant living in flatlet of the house .
This tenant is too scared to feed the dog for fear of being booted out .I feed the dog once a day whenever I can find him .I have tried to lure him to our property but he is scared of my dogs .
With winter approaching, I dread that he has no proper shelter .He is always scrounging for food .
He is a small Maltese type dog and is light brown in colour and is well trained .(He does not poo on the property ! )

With this blog I`m hoping to make many aware of taking proper care of their animals when using fire crackers .



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