To my knowledge as I see crime being committed in our area's, our community,to elderly it is
actually a sad state of affairs.
Many of the culprits are our own young people.The community do not not speak out half of the time
because they are afraid to speak out.Their lives are sometimes in danger.
The question is,how do we as,first and foremost the parents of some of these young people as the community,as the mentors to them,how do you rehabilitate these young people.

If we can stand together as one,the church,mosque,surely something can be done.Our young people turn to drugs,all sorts of drugs,alcohol and they become abusive to their families,and friends.People become so addictive they are in their own worlds. They also become thieves stealing from family members,lying and even believing their own lies.Sometimes rehabilitation do not even help them.
They come back worse,but there is help and I know there is HOPE.RLABS can surely do the job.

Some of these young people even turn to murder.The solution to this problem is not only to tell them that they are loved,but to also convince them that they are.To also make it known to them that are worth more than just a druggie,a gangster or a murder, they have the potential to be somebody,because they are.

Reporting for RLABS


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