

We have a problem in our community where the youth due to constraints and and no social activities available in close proximity, they end up being couch potatoes or get active with social ills and end up being drug users or alcoholics, this then leads to families and family lives being ruined as many do not know how to deal with substances which is foreign to them and by this we lose our family and youth to these social ills since there is not much guidance or opportunities for further education, growth (holistic development). This is how our families and communities are being ruined.


By seeing the sadness and disappointment's on the faces of our youth who so desperately would love the opportunity to further their studies and the family is not able to support further studies due to constraints, I saw the opportunity and dire need to do something for our youth which will have an impact in the lives of community, especial our youth, if they had the opportunity, help and guidance to further their desired study for the betterment of a dignified life. We then started an organisation to assist  our youth where possible, in the above mentioned  needs, it took 2years to get to registration, this time delay in registration has sadly given room for more of our youth to be caught up in the social ills of society, however the solution and mindset is: if we can save 1 of our youth, we have saved a family, the hope is to reach out to more so in time and foreseeable future our youth, communities can stand proud and be reckoned as an educated community, society and country. 


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