Where do our kids play?

In our community the main problems are the usual drug and alcohol abuse which leads to broken homes, domestic violence and many more crimes.  In the street I live in we have a problem with certain neighbours not wanting kids to be kids and play soccer or make too much of a noise outside their property. Where do the children play?? 

At the end of the street there is a huge field which belongs to the Cape Town City Council and is cordoned off with a vibacrete wall. If the children cannot be children and play in the street they live or on the nearest field this,in my opinion is where it all goes wrong...they start hanging out with the wrong crowds and end up using drugs and alcohol which in the end lead to a live of gangsterism. 

If adults realize that in our communities this is the only places kids have to play and just leave them to it they might not end up with gangsters as friends and in turn the main problems of our communities which I mentioned at the beginning of my blog might seize to exist.


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