I nearly died!

Hi, hey & hallo.

I was so glad that the busy Easter weekend was over and looking forward to having some Me time (and less washing up time.)  RLabs is such a treat that its the highlight of my week. I could finally see my new friends and and do some serious catching up. I can only imagine the noise level in the lecture room! I'm sure they don''t mind too much.

Got to RLabs and every one's outside and doing their catching-up thang.  I was "somma" excited. I didn't mind at all that we were running a bit late but when we eventually went in I thought to my self, ÿoh, lekker ne, we're having Debonairs! Wait! That's an apple on the box, Nooop... not Debonairs.  What's up now?

A flood of emotions. Can you believe it? The RLabs team are going on some exotic vacation (without us, mind choo) and I'm not sure how I feel about this news. I'm not sure if I'm more upset about them leaving me behind or because they are cutting our course so short. All I could see was my ME time sprout wings and taking flight. KOOBAAI!

And so, like the good Geeky Moms that we are, we wished them well on there way, journeys mercies, remember the thongs and I begged them to take we with...please! Needless to say, the heartless RLabs team refused my pitiful begging and i realised (to my horror) I have no shame. My only solace is that I'm like any other hardworking, overwhelmed Mum who desperately need a VACATION. Like in yesterday already.

During all the well wishing and everything else that goes with all of that, I resigned myself to boring  Saturdays again. My relief new no bounds when they said, APRIL FOOL!!  


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