I started my mom 7.0 course @ the beginning of March 2014. Its very exiting for me to be here. All the facilitators are very helpful and patient. Its good to see how much I have learnt about social media. In the 3 weeks iv'e learnt to open an email account, how to open my emails,compose an email and also how to send one. They also taught me how to search for things on google.Today they teaching me how to blog.

The reason for me being here is because my work requires me to do almost everything on computer. I'm not sorry that I came to Rlabs to learn and to equip myself. Rlab facilitators is realy doing an amazing job. I will encourage everybody who would like to further their knowledge in computers to come to Rlabs. I can't believe that next week is our last class. I realy don't want it to end. But as the saying goes "all good things must come an end"

Thanks again for all your help and patience with me.

Yours in moms 7.0
Hilary Osborn


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